If you have become overwhelmed by the upkeep that comes with owning a home, you’re not alone. Oftentimes, a person seeks professionals or in some cases a handyman to help around the house with leaky pipes, clogged drains or a toilet that overflows. If you experience a problem that you are not prepared to fix here are several reasons why it’s always better to call a professional plumber rather than a handyman.
A professional plumber should be licensed, bonded and insured. A trained plumber will have the proper training and experience to handle any job. Most professional plumbers have served time in an apprenticeship and formal training classes. Many professionals spend several years working under someone until they have demonstrated the skills and abilities necessary to perform their job alone.
A professional plumber stays abreast and up to date on the newest technologies and methods used in plumbing. Certified plumbers must pass state mandated tests to make sure that they are knowledgeable and able to perform up to a certain standard. A Handyman usually learns on the job, and may be quite experienced, but may not be licensed or insured. They are usually good at a handful of things but not experts in any one area.
If you have a plumbing emergency it is important to call an experienced plumber who knows how to accurately and quickly resolve your problem. Non emergency jobs may require homeowners to ensure their repairs are in compliance with state regulated safety codes. Safety codes and rules are constantly changing so be sure to hire someone who has a current license and is up to date on the latest industry news.
A professional plumbing contractor should stand by their work by offering a warranty. Licensed plumbing professionals make their living by helping homeowners and usually have references and referrals by happy customers. An unlicensed handyman may not be skilled enough to work professionally. Oftentimes handymen do not offer warranties for their work or the products they use for their repairs.
By hiring a professional contractor you can have a peace of mind that your repairs will be made correctly and done up to code. You will have recourse if something goes wrong. Professionals who are insured and bonded against anything that might go wrong with a project are always a better bet! Handymen may not be insured and if they get injured on the job or cause a problem in your home then you are stuck paying out-of-pocket for the additional repairs and their medical bills. Don’t take a chance when your home and property is at stake. When in doubt call Metro Septic & Plumbing, we are happy to help and eager to please.